

What is a Tax Audit?

To better or more fully understand about tax audits, one should first understand the meaning of an “Audit”.  An Audit is a an official review or examination of your accounts or books by an independent body. A tax audit is a type of audit by the IRS which they review and examine a tax return...

What Are The Chances Of Getting Audited?

The possibility of the IRS examining your tax returns generally depends on income level and filing type.  The more complex your tax returns, the higher the chances of facing an audit. The more basic the tax return, the lower the chance of scrutiny. Generally speaking, most returns are randomly selected for audit.  That being said,...

Etiquette For A Successful Tax Audit

Every taxpayer dreads the words ‘IRS audit’.  As a taxpayer, you file your tax returns on time, but fear the possibility of being audited. We hear stories of people being audited and how stressful it can be. Fortunately, over the past few years, IRS audits have been declining.  Also, a huge number of audits are...

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